My Digital Cleanup Routine v2022.1

My Digital Cleanup Routine v2022.1
Photo by Christian Erfurt / Unsplash

When I started getting triggered when I opened my mailbox just to see another useless email from an app I don't use anymore, a site that keeps spamming promos, and more I knew I had to do something about it.

Just like when doing a spring cleaning relieves me of stress and makes my life more peaceful, I thought, why not apply the same idea to my digital life? With the ever-increasing amount of apps and services, I feel burdened to open my mailbox daily.

My old digital cleanup routine used to be very simple, use the auto-categorization from Gmail and forget about it. But that wouldn't stop the emails from coming, taking space, and polluting my contact list when I want to send an email so I had to revise it into something that makes more sense.

The goal is the following: I want to have fewer emails, fewer apps polluting my phone and draining my battery and I want to have control over my data.

Welcome, Digital Cleanup Routine v2022.1

Every month I will try to spend a few hours doing the following:

  • Organizing my pictures into Albums, deleting the ones I don't want
  • Deleting accounts and apps I no longer use
  • Unsubscribing from mailing lists that don't bring me any value
  • Delete old chats that don't bring any value

Let's see how it goes!